Glare reduction in your business

Glare into your office can range from being slightly annoying to a significant Occupational Health and Safety Hazard. Glare can result in issues such as eye strain and head, neck and shoulder aches. There are things you can do to reduce glare in your office.

VLT, what to use & why

What is VLT? VLT means visible light transmission and all window films have a VLT measurement. Put simply, it’s the amount of light that the film allows through. One of the main reasons some homeowners decide not to window tint their home windows is because they don't want their rooms...

Window Tinting Benefits

Window Tinting Benefits Having a secure home that also provides privacy for your family is often high on the agenda when searching for a home. And that’s where window tinting can really shine because it can add privacy and security to any home! In many ways, a window tint can...

Not all window film is created equal

Window film for home or office Window film is designed to better control the temperature and natural lighting within a home or office. It is also used to add to the aesthetic appeal, for privacy and to stop furnishings fading. These days, there are many different brands of film or...

Black film vs. Reflective film

Windows Film Window tinting is not black and white. The tint or window film you select will depend on what you’d like to achieve in the room you're tinting and how dark you’d like the room to feel. Typically, a homeowner would consider window film to: Reduce heat coming through...

Unexpected Benefits of a Commercial Tint

Benefits of a Commercial Tint If you own or rent a commercial space, you are no doubt always looking for ways to keep the costs of running your business down. Energy efficiency improvements can lead to reduced energy usage and smaller utility bills. But did you know that energy management...

How To Instantly Improve Your Energy Costs

Improve Your Energy Costs In 2018, we are set to see our bills for energy costs soar, as energy companies announce a 10-20 percent price increase. Victorian households will most likely feel this pinch around February and March this year, as back to school expenses pile up and in the...

Keep Xmas Heat Outside

Xmas Heat Outside A home window tint can reduce the thermal rays coming through your windows resulting in a reduction of the heat radiating through the pane. This is one of the top reasons for tinting windows in your home, and heading into summer this is a great time to...

Don’t get caught out with pesky Building Regulation 419

Building Regulation 419 If you are building a property, or involved with the building of property, you may find yourself continually overwhelmed with the stresses associated with this mammoth task. There is never a smooth ride in this industry, regardless of whether this is the first house you have built...